Friday, July 27, 2007

I was just telling my mother the other day that i am the only person in our family who hasn't caught a cold or the flu this winter and i certainly didn't bother getting the flu vaccine.I'm convinced it's due to the large amounts of tea i have been drinking.My morning ritual is to get up,put on my robe,go out to the kitchen and put the kettle on while i wait for my computer to start up.I've woken up many mornings with a sore throat and by mid morning i feel back to normal thanks to a hot cup of tea,and always brewed in my mint green Beehouse teapot.I bought one a few years ago for a friend and had to buy myself one the next time i found them again, at T2 , oh and have a look at the site ,you can now buy online and there's a little quiz to see what type of tea you would like.Next i'd like to get one of the bigger Beehouse white teapots like this one.
We've had some lovely weather this week,hopefully a sneak peek of the beautiful wather we can expect in just over 4 weeks when spring begins.A friend and I have taken advantage of it and had lunch in the park this week,unfortunately out lunch dates are sometimes spoiled by those ugly ibis birds,with their huge beaks,they're so brazen,you have to keep your food close otherwise they just swoop in and fly off with your lunch.
Today i had to attend a course in another part of the city and i was just around the corner from Clarence street and went to Plan B,a little cafe/takeaway place next to and owned by Becasse which was awarded Best Restaurant last year,The first thing you see when you walk in is an open fridge with a selection of gourmet sandwiches and i opted for the coronation chicken,i didn't know it at the time but just Googled it,it's mostly chicken mixed with curry paste which was first served at the Queen's coronation lunch in 1953.
Wednesday night the girls and I got together over too much champagne and red wine and pizza at Young Alfred,there was so much to catch up on especially since we had Lydia visiting from London,being a school night we had planned to make it an early night but we didn't leave until after 11:30pm,let's just say that we drank so much that i forgot a lot of things that happened by the end of the night,Ouch,wasn't very fun trying to get up for work the next day,some KFC chicken and bacon burger helped though.


ragingyoghurt said...

ooh! i love your matching beehouse and teacup. i have a little beehouse too -- pink!

how is young alfred? i'm always on the search for delicious pizza.

MissK said...

The pizza was ok,although i don't think there were many toppings compared top other wood fired pizza joints.