Thursday, February 21, 2008

Learning and practising

I mentioned in yesterday's post about deciding to learn or probably relearning embroidery.I'm sure I was taught when i was younger,or was that needlepoint?
I sat down last Sunday afternoon and started going through Sublime Stitching and learning the different stitches, some were so easy that you just had to look at the diagram,some were just too hard and I'll need to go through those again or see if I can find some other instructions which are easier to follow.
I started with all 6 threads in the one strand but that seemed too thick for most stitches so I just split it in half and 3 seems looks much better.
The first transfer in the book is made to help you practice different types of stitches so I will complete that on a piece of scrap material before I start on the tea towels.

1 comment:

Sydney Food Princess said...

I can't wait to see how it all turns out!