Thursday, January 3, 2008


While I was gone from posting in the past 2 weeks I have
*Continued to go to work while most people are on leave,it's been very quiet and I've basically turned up to get paid

*Cleaned my room to an inch of its life,i can get very messy and then it gets to a point where i can no longer stand it and need to clean immediately

*Done lots and lots of reading of books and magazines to the point where I got bored of it

*Taken advantage of the abundance of mangoes,berries and stone fruit available this time of year

*Made raspberry semmifredo with the punnets of raspberries pictured above(unfortunately they got squashed on the way home) but the semmifredo was so yummy,so glad I used fresh ones and not frozen

*Had my first attempt at macaroons,almond with a white chocolate filling,unfortunately our food processor died a week before and packaged almond meal does not have a strong enough scent.The filling recipe was also wrong,very runny but I added whipped cream and saved the day,we devoured them all the next day at work.

*Have been avoiding the sales except for today when I found some shoes I was after at about 60% off.

*Attempted and failed at origami :(

*Had an amazing pre-Christmas dinner at Fix St James

*Watched 2 Days in Paris,if you loved Julie Delpy's other movies then you will enjoy this one as well.

*Bought myself a sewing machine,it's still in the box,just waiting for a spare weekend to be able to sit down and go through the manual and dvd.

*Am now planning a trip to Melbourne in late January,cannot wait to return,it has been over 8 years since i last visited.

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